
I’m a five-time certified Coach with 20+ years of coaching experience. Yeah, I’ve been around the block.
I ran my own Yoga and coaching business for almost two decades, and my client list is vast. I’ve coached at Stanford University, taught rock stars to meditate, and helped mothers from pregnancy to birth, then taught those same kids yoga when they could walk. That was sweet!
Turning pain into purpose
It's not a popular sales pitch to say that trauma doesn't just go away, but it's honest. We can lessen the amount it impacts our lives by letting our truest selves take the wheel and not letting the wounds drive. Sometimes they will, and that's ok too. We're not healing robots, contrary to what is often offered up on social media.
I’ve also lived through, dealt with, and am still processing deep betrayal trauma, gaslighting, and manipulation. I’ve carried deep attachment wounds and decades of childhood trauma, all tangled up with dissociation, people-pleasing, and codependency. This led me to match that blueprint by marrying an abusive narcissist where I faced psychological, sexual, and emotional abuse. If you’re looking for an archetype, yes, I am a wounded healer, making pain my purpose.
My own divorce…
…seemed easy at first because I just said yes to everything my ex wanted. I just wanted it to be over, and I believed that any ‘no’ would have dragged out the nightmare. But that left me vulnerable for a decade of custody battles and financial devastation.
I became a mom at 30, and when my son was 2, I filed for divorce, thinking that would be the end of it. Spoiler: it wasn’t. Yes, Legal abuse is a “Thing”. Betrayal and Institutional trauma? Also “Things”
I wish I’d had a divorce coach back then.
With what I know now, I could have massively reduced the emotional, financial, psychological, and logistical impact on all of us. I had no clue how to safeguard my future because I didn’t have anyone guiding me. I wanted out and left with far less than I was owed financially, feeling powerless to object to the child custody arrangements.
Lawyers just handled the paperwork, and my friends were great for emotional support but couldn’t help with strategy. I needed someone like me, now, to give me the knowledge and support I needed!
Despite all that, I had over two decades of experience in Eastern energetic practices, somatic work, and coaching tools, which I used to survive those times.
I took the long and winding road but you don’t have to
I’ve spent years educating myself on how to navigate these messes. You can be emotionally regulated enough to make solid decisions and live a good life full of love, and maybe even avoid carrying the majority of the trauma around for a lifetime.
I live with my teenage son and sweet puppy in Boulder, Colorado, and I see clients from all over the world.
I needed someone like me when I was going through this.
I can be that for you now.
"I've been through a lot of self-help programs, but this one takes the cake. Honestly, I just thought I needed some solid advice on getting through my divorce, which is why I turned to Lisa. I wanted strategy, and she gave me that, but I got so much more."
Claire - 58
A personal note…
Many years ago I was in an abusive relationship that ticked all five of the official areas of abuse - physical, emotional, sexual, financial, and psychological. I was diagnosed with Battered Wife Syndrome by two therapits (a label I didn’t like then and I do not like now!) and CPTSD.
I have walked the path you might be on and I know how much it takes to heal and rebuild your confidence, trust, and standards for yourself. It’s ongoing work.
After my divorce, I found ways to start again as a single parent with a renewed purpose to give my child the chance to thrive and live with joy while modeling for him what self-love and self-care look like.
I’m in a practice to see life through the lens of informed optimism - making a case for good. It’s not ignorant naivety or spiritual bypassing but a decision to see beauty, even when things truly suck. It’s also a solid neuroscience thing - making those new neural pathways stick!
At the very least we can build resilience so when the next sucky thing happens we have the tenacity and perspective to know we will still laugh and experience happiness on the other side.
Here’s to finding ease and grace in the simplest of places,