
A Blueprint for Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse

*A very miniature and very free version of my 90-day immersion, coming soon!

Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse is a ninja skill - if I can do it, you can too.

Recovery from any kind of abuse is full of twists and turns and stumbling around in the dark.

Every so often, someone hands you a flashlight and says - I have been down in the doldrums, follow me, I know the way through.

Many people have shown me the light when I was curled up in a ball unable to see a way forward. I’m grateful to them for shoving the lamp in my face when I felt too broken to see clearly. I wasn’t broken - they knew that - and now I know that too.

I know it’s hard to believe there’s a way and It’s hard to trust yourself and others. The way is consistent, the way takes time and there are no quick fixes. We take small steps, every day. Well. Most days.

It’s hard to imagine where you will find the juju to get ‘there’, wherever ‘there’ is.

It’s ok. I get it. Come with me, I have a map.

Micro meditations

That means they are teeny/short! YAY!

Practices are great. Consistent practice is what transforms over lives time. People say “If you don’t have time to meditate, you should meditate twice as long” and hearing that when I’m already stretchedb thin makes me want to scream.

Downloading meditations is the new buying-a-book-that-might-change-my-life-but-never-actually-reading-it. “This time it will be different'“ we think. Well..Maybe this time it will be because these practices are:

a) EASY b) QUICK and c) YOU CAN DO THEM ON THE TOILET. You’re welcome.

Find some space around the BS

The two step practice for (most) triggered moments. It’s annoyingly simple, but then the best things are. #basic

Put your inner critic on a leash

2 things you can do right now to tame the internal madness. Do you have 5 minutes? That’s all it will take.

Starting sooooooon!

Starting sooooooon!


A Blueprint for Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse

What is it? This 90 day immersion will begin to take your fragmented parts and schmush them back together again in a brand new, healthy and integrated way.

❤ Tried and tested somatic tools (body stuff, no experience required)

❤ Playful trauma-informed tools (I know everyone says that, but I’m qualified in this stuff and I’ve been teaching it for 2 decades)

❤ A bunch of reprogramming of our traits and belief systems.

❤ We will work on our co-dependence and our boundaries.

❤ Best of all, we will laugh during the process. And maybe cry too. But we will definitely laugh as a priority. People forget - laughter is a vital, non-negotiable part of our trauma healing. #science

is this for you?

❤ You may be fresh out of (or trying to get out of) a marriage with a narcissistic person

It may have been years and you are still struggling with the same patterns and years of accumulated fears and doubts and All The Things…

❤ You may have escaped a friendship, family member or boss who was abusive, or all of the above. Was one or both of your primary carers as a kid narcissistically abusive? Are you attracting the same people in your adult life?

If you would like to join our very small group of 12 people* or less, send me an email and I will send you more details and an application to fill out.

It’s not a test and you can’t pass or fail. I simply want to make sure the container is safe for everyone, including you!

❤ I will be providing more information on the immersion soon. We begin our next round in June 2024. ❤